Agriculture Secretary Vilsack confirmed that he had accepted the challenge of continuing as Secretary of Agriculture for another term. With one change, the five people that have their hands full of farm...
Our January 10, 2013 issue kicks off our annual cow judging contest which runs through the March 10 edition. This year's classes will include Brown Swiss, Holstein, Red and Whites, Ayrshire and Jersey...
Which are there more of in the U.S. today – dairy farms or people who are at least 100 years old? According to the Census Bureau, there were 53,364 people in the U.S. in 2010 who were at least 100...
Dairy bowl competitions across the nation are in full swing, at both state breed and 4-H competitions, as youth vie for a chance to show their skills at a national level. For the various breeds, national...
As we reported on Monday (Golden Guernsey plant closed unexpectedly), the Golden Guernsey plant in Waukesha, Wis., closed its doors unexpectedly over the weekend
All the U.S. Department of Justice's work to ensure market competition for consumers might have went down the drain this past weekend as Golden Guernsey located in Waukesha, Wis., unexpectedly shut its...
When all is said and done, the farm bill basically was extended for one year. That is because language to renew most of its old components was inserted into legislation passed on New Year's Day to avert...
Every event in life is a learning experience, even if what you learn is "I don't want to do that again." The same can be said of 2012. It was a year that flew by but still left many lessons for dairy producers....
Late December is traditionally the time of year when Americans spend time with their families. Not so if you are a congressional staffer, an elected national official . . . or even a dairy farmer
A funny thing happened on the way to the new Chobani Greek Yogurt manufacturing plant that the company announced a year ago it would build in Twin Falls, Idaho. It got a LOT bigger
For some time, dairy producers and other industry specialists who closely follow genetic evaluations have agreed that productive life estimates - a measure of how long a cow lives - have been somewhat...
History is constantly evolving, so the records of the past are in continual motion. National Dairy Shrine is working on renovations to the Joe P. Eves Library and displays surrounding it. During World...
Expensive corn and ever-increasing demand from China and other foreign buyers are expected to keep alfalfa hay from becoming cheap in the West in 2013, according to longtime market expert Seth Hoyt (pictured)
Compared with the most recent August genetic evaluations, and even last December for that matter, the dizzying pace of escalating breeding values has seemed to slow to a more traditional pace as the top...
What are children in schools being taught about agriculture? The number of teachers with agriculture backgrounds continues to decline. And, teaching about a topic that is not familiar to an instructor...
"Land values are currently like a well-stoked, blazing Friday night camp fire," explained Brent Gloy, director for Purdue's Center for Commercial Agriculture
When push comes to shove, U.S. consumers are more willing to give up milk as prices rise than any other beverage on the market, noted Mike North a senior hedge consultant with First Capitol Ag, at the...